Collection: Joni Monroe Beinborn

For over 30 years, Joni’s Ponies have captivated viewers with her ability to produce pastel paintings that come alive in depth, light and character to exact likeness of her subjects.

“I believe that when a drawing is created well in detail, it can elicit emotion that is far different than a photograph. I strive to bring what is beautiful of the horse; strength, softness and a sense of wildness. I often look to my own horses to feel and send the true essence of the horse to incorporate into my work.”

Self-taught and highly collected, Joni has enjoyed many well-deserved accolades including having been commissioned by American Paint Horse Association to create portraits of eight top award winners for 2015. She was featured in Cowboys & Indians Magazine in 2017, as well as winning the Steel Dust Award in 2014 and signature artist in 2017 for America’s Horse in Art. Her work has been featured in America’s Horse and the Equine Chronicle.

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